Organics Grant Program (FYs 2021-22 and 2022-23)
The Organics Grant Program provides opportunities to further the purposes of the CA Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) and lower overall greenhouse gas emissions by expanding existing capacity or establishing new facilities in CA to reduce the amount of CA-generated green or food materials, or ADC being sent to landfills. Refer to the Organics Grant Program NOFA webpage,
Eligible Organics Grant Program projects are:
Construction, renovation, or expansion of facilities to increase in-state infrastructure for the composting or digestion of organics into compost, soil amendments, fertilizers, biofuels, or bioenergy. Construction, renovation, or expansion of facilities to increase in-state infrastructure for the pre-processing of organics. Projects must result in an increase in tons of green materials or food materials diverted from landfills beyond that which the pre-processor was already diverting.
Four project types will be funded from this expenditure: (a) anaerobic digestion/co-digestion, (b) composting, (c) in-vessel composting, and (d) stand-alone pre-processing projects.
Projects must be located in California and facilitate or result in:
Reductions in GHG emissions compared to existing practices of landfilling green or food materials within California; and Increases in quantity (tons) of green materials or food materials that are newly diverted from landfill disposal or alternative daily cover (ADC) use, and composted or digested in California. For purposes of this program, “newly diverted” means the tons of materials that are currently being landfilled or used as ADC that will instead be diverted as a result of this project.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Eligible Geographies:
Projects must be located in California and facilitate or result in California-generated green materials or food materials that are newly diverted from landfill disposal or alternative daily cover use.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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