Cannabis Local Jurisdiction Retail Access Grant – Phase II
Nearly two-thirds of California cities and counties do not allow the establishment of any regulated cannabis retailers within their jurisdictions. This limits consumer access to regulated, tested cannabis and cannabis products.
The Retail Access Grant provides local governments with resources to develop and implement cannabis retailer licensing programs. Up to $20 million total funding is available, distributed in two phases.
The Retail Access Grant provides local governments with resources to develop and implement cannabis retailer licensing programs. Up to $20 million total funding is available, distributed in two phases.
A local jurisdiction (city or county) is eligible for funding if it both:
Does not currently have a cannabis retail licensing program, andHas a plan to develop and implement a cannabis retail licensing programFunding can be used for:
Support of equity applicants and licenseesEnvironmental reviewsPermitting expensesPersonnel costs
By providing this assistance to cities and counties, the Retail Access Grant aims to:
Provide consumers with reliable access to regulated, tested cannabis;Reduce demand in the illicit market;Establish enough cannabis retail stores statewide to meet existing consumer demand.
Funding Rounds
Funding will be distributed in two phases:
Phase I: in June 2023, DCC announced awards of over $4 million in funding to 18 cities and counties to develop and implement local cannabis retail licensing programs. The Phase I application period closed on April 28, 2023. See the Phase I Grant Awards below.
Phase II: awards funding to eligible cities and counties based on the number of local cannabis retail licenses that they issue. The Phase II application period will open in October.Over $15 million in total funding is available in Phase II.
An eligible jurisdiction may apply for funding in Phase II even if it did not participate in Phase I.
Priority Funding
This grant program prioritizes funding to local jurisdictions that:
Propose to assist cannabis equity businesses;Address gaps in consumer access to safe and regulated cannabis;Plan to permit cannabis retailers through existing business permitting processes;
Local jurisdictions that meet these criteria will be eligible for priority points. Applications with priority points will be processed first.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Public Agency
Phase II of this program provides funding to eligible local governments based on the number of cannabis retail permits they issue.
Subject to available funds, the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) intends to award up to the following amounts per local license issued:
$150,000 for each eligible cannabis retail license issued, or
$300,000 for each eligible equity cannabis retail license issued.
A maximum of $2 million per jurisdiction will be awarded in Phase II.
Eligibility: Local jurisdictions (city, county, or city and county) that:
Prior to July 1, 2022, did not have a cannabis retail licensing program in existence;
Has a plan to develop and implement a cannabis retail licensing program; and
Has issued one or more cannabis retail licenses to cannabis businesses within the jurisdiction of the city or county pursuant to that program.
Application Periods: Phase II applications will be accepted in the following months, subject to available funding: October 2023, March 2024, September 2024, March 2025, September 2025, March 2026.
Eligible Geographies:
Local Jurisdictions in California.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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