Narcotic Treatment Programs and Medication Units Round Two

California was the first state to create and implement Medication Units (MUs), which operate as an extension of a Narcotic Treatment Program (NTP). MUs expand access to medications for opioid use disorder treatment (MOUD, also known as MAT), including buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone, to patients unable to travel to an NTP due to lack of geographic proximity or other factors.
The primary objective of this funding opportunity is to expand the availability of MUs to increase MOUD access for rural areas, justice-involved populations, Indigenous and Native communities, patients without transportation, and areas that do not have a Narcotic Treatment Program (NTP) within proximity to patients in need of NTP services.
Allowable expenses include:
· Costs to establish an MU including securing a lease, renovations, and related equipment;
· General maintenance, redesign, and additional startup expenses to comply with DEA and state regulations;
· Staffing and recruitment costs; and
· Marketing and community engagement activities related to accessing and engaging in services provided by the MU.
The target audience for this opportunity are DHCS-licensed NTPs. All licensed NTPs are encouraged to apply, with priority being given to NTPs wanting to expand their services via an MU to priortize rural communities, correctional facilities, local DHCS-licensed residential substance use disorder facilities that do not offer MAT, and Indigenous and Native communities. NTPs will also be prioritized for serving Medi-Cal beneficiaries.
Note: Awards are subject to funding availability.
Scope of Work
Medication Unit (MU)
Federal and State law defines MUs as treatment facilities from which licensed practitioners and/or community pharmacists dispense MOUD. An MU is a geographically separate facility from an NTP that operates under that NTP’s active license. This allows the NTP to extend services to communities that may not otherwise have access to MOUD. DHCS encourages applicants for this funding opportunity to partner with pharmacies to co-locate MUs within pharmacy settings and correctional facilities.
Applicants can apply for up to $750,000. This funding can only be used for initial start-up costs for new medication units and cannot be used for ongoing or established work. Provider organizations may apply for multiple MUs per eligible NTP license, but separate applications are required for each MU requested.
The primary NTP must commit to working with DHCS to gain DHCS approval for the proposed MU and be operational within eighteen months from receipt of funding. If at any time the NTP’s DHCS license is suspended/revoked/etc., the contract with be terminated and the NTP will not be granted further funds.
Note: applicants are required to offer Buprenorphine as well as Methadone as a condition of program participation.
Please note that if awarded, awardees may be asked to participate in DHCS press releases which could include providing quotes, being contacted by the press, filming themselves for a testimonial, etc.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
Eligible organizations must meet all the following minimum requirements:
· The primary NTP must have a valid DHCS license and remain in good standing.
· The primary NTP must demonstrate Drug Medi-Cal (DMC) enrollment.
· The primary NTP must have a valid DEA Registration.
· The primary NTP must have a valid Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) accreditation.
Eligible Geographies:
Must be in the State of California.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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