2022 CalAgPlate Grant Program

The CalAgPlate program funds projects that support agricultural education, agricultural career awareness and development, agriculture career training, and agriculture leadership development to assist students at the kindergarten through twelfth grade (K-12), post-secondary, and adult education levels. Supporting these educational and training areas will provide participants further agricultural opportunities.
Funding and Duration:
The CA Dept. of Food and Agriculture anticipates that up to $250,000 will be awarded to projects to support agricultural education and training. Grant amounts range from $2,500-212,500. The maximum grant duration is one (1) year, six (6) months and grant funds cannot be expended before January 1, 2023 or after June 30, 2024. CDFA reserves the right to offer an award amount less than the amount requested.
* NOTE: Non-profit programs administered or managed by a university, such as the 4-H Youth Development Program are exempt from this limitation.
Two funding opportunities available: Tier 1 – California Adopted Agricultural Education Programs Up to 85 percent ($250,000) of total available grant award funding is reserved for the California FFA Association; the non-profit organization that represents state adopted Agricultural Education Programs (Education Code Sections 52450-52454). These programs have proven to be effective on a statewide basis in meeting the priorities and intent of the CalAgPlate program.
Tier 1 grant awards range from $10,000 to $212,500 per project.
Tier 2 – Local/Community/State Agricultural Education Programs Up to 15 percent ($37,500) of available funding will be awarded to eligible Local/Community/State Agricultural Education Programs. This Tier is open to non-profit organizations, as well as state, local and Indian tribal government agencies within California which promote and administer agricultural education and leadership programs targeting K-12, post-secondary, and adult education. Individual schools and school districts are encouraged to partner with eligible non-profit organizations. Institutes of higher learning are ineligible to directly apply*, however, they can partner with eligible organizations on a proposed CalAgPlate project.
Tier 2 grant awards range from $2,500 to $10,000 per project.
Funding Category I: Agricultural Education In this funding category, CDFA will consider projects that enhance and benefit agricultural education opportunities for students and educators. Examples:• Agricultural curriculum development and implementation• School/community garden enrichment programs• Interactive agriculture learning experiences, outdoor agricultural education programs (e.g., farms/ranches)• Agriculture demonstrations/activities (e.g., exhibits).
Funding Category II: Agricultural Career Awareness, Development and Training In this funding category, CDFA will consider projects that advance, promote and support agricultural career development and training for high school and college students. Examples:• Interactive training experiences and mentorship programs• Practical career preparation and career advancement opportunities• Outreach programs and career expos• Informational workshops for next-generation/beginning farmers.
Funding Category III: Agricultural Leadership Development In this funding category, CDFA will consider projects that provide leadership experiences and skills for participants that encourage agricultural leadership development. Examples:• Agricultural leadership conferences• Agricultural leadership training programs• Education tours focusing on agricultural policy issues/areas.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Non-profit organizations, as well as state, local and tribal government agencies within California which promote and administer agricultural education and leadership programs targeting K-12, post-secondary, and adult education. Individuals are not eligible to apply. There is no limit on the number of grant proposals applicants may submit; however, each grant proposal must be for a wholly unique project.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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