Affordable Housing & Sustainable Communities Round 7

The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program makes it easier for Californians to drive less by making sure housing, jobs, and key destinations are accessible by walking, biking, and transit.
The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC) builds healthier communities and protects the environment by increasing the supply of affordable places to live near jobs, stores, transit, and other daily needs. Personal vehicle use is, by far, the most significant source of greenhouse gas emissions in California. AHSC reduces these emissions by funding projects that make it easier for residents to get out of their cars and walk, bike, or take public transit. Funded by auction proceeds from California’s Cap-and-Trade emissions reduction program, AHSC is administered by the Strategic Growth Council and implemented by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. WHAT DOES AHSC FUND? AHSC provides funding for affordable housing developments (new construction or renovation) and transportation infrastructure. This may include sustainable transportation infrastructure, such as new transit vehicles, sidewalks, and bike lanes; transportation-related amenities, such as bus shelters, benches, or shade trees; and other programs that encourage residents to walk, bike, and use public transit. WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO APPLY? Eligible applicants include: »» Local governments »» Transportation and transit agencies »» Non-profit and for-profit housing developers »» Joint powers authorities »» K-12 school, college and university districts »» Federally recognized Indian tribes Historically, most applicants have been developers of affordable and mixed-income housing, local governments, regional transportation agencies, and public transit providers. Applicants are also welcome to submit joint proposals to co-develop a project.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Eligible Applicants:
•Local Governments (City, County, City/County)
•Local Transportation Agencies•Public Housing Authority•Transit Agency or Operator•Regional Transportation Planning Agency•Congestion Management Agency•Joint Powers Authority
•School District•Facilities District•University or Community College District•Developer: Public, Private, or Nonprofit
•Program Operator: Public, Private, or Nonprofit
•Qualified Tribal Entities
Eligible Geographies:
AHSC is a statewide grant program committed to geographic equity. Project Area type targets are as follows:
(A) Target forty five (45) percent of funds available as designated in the NOFA to TOD Project Area applications.
(B) Target thirty five (35) percent of funds available as designated in the NOFA to ICP Project Area applications.
(C) Target ten (10) percent of funds available as designated in the NOFA to RIPA applications.
Matching Funding Requirement:
AHSC requires that the Project must demonstrate a level of committed funding at time of application that is 90% or greater calculated by the following equation: (AHSC funds requested + Enforceable Funding Commitments (EFCs) – Deferred Costs)/(Total Development Cost – Deferred Costs) Simplified, the combined amount of leveraged funds and the AHSC funding request should amount to 90% of the project's total development cost, when submitted.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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