California Workplace Outreach Project (CWOP) Program Year (PY) 2025-27

The objective of this iteration of CWOP is to build upon lessons learned and successes achieved in previous iterations, with a renewed focus on fostering an informed, safe, and healthy workplace culture across California. This initiative aims to not only educate but also to inspire action and change in workplace rights and safety practices, ensuring that every worker has the knowledge and tools needed to protect themselves and their colleagues.
Strategic Components of CWOP 5.0/6.0: Comprehensive Education on Workplace Protections: Expanding the scope included workplace protections to improve workplace safety and health conditions for workers, combat wage theft and protection from retaliation, and provide workers information on their rights to benefits and medical care for work-related illnesses and injuries.Language: Continuing the commitment to diversity, outreach materials will be accessible in multiple languages, addressing the needs of California's diverse workforce.Outreach: Utilizing interactive activities to engage workers and employers in meaningful discussions about safety practices, rights, and resources regardless of immigration status. This includes workshops, seminars, and direct outreach efforts. Collaboration: Strengthening ties with CBOs, labor, and occupational health centers, and agricultural associations to enhance the reach and impact of the program. Rural Strategic Engagement: Targeted outreach and legal resources to support access to in-person services in under-resourced, rural areas for especially vulnerable workers. Priority Topics: workplace health and safety and hazards such as heat illness, paid sick leave, wage theft, Workers’ Compensation, anti-retaliation protections, worker-related complaint, and claim filing processes and procedures, and support filing complaints for workplace non-compliance. High-risk industries: agriculture, car wash, Food processing, including meatpacking, food service, including restaurants, grocery, and retail, janitorial and hospitality, warehouse/logistics, manufacturing, garment, residential care, and others as identified by CBOs. The Rural Strategic Engagement Program for CWOP 5.0/6.0 expands its reach to rural and agricultural workers with new services with its Rural Strategic Engagement Program. This program will offer in-person clinics for people to access services in farmworker communities, including legal assistance. ELIGIBLE COSTS -staff salaries, payments to contracted technical or administrative professionals, telephone, shipping, and postage costs, space rental and occupancy costs (maintenance, security, insurance, utilities, etc.), printing, advertising, and marketing costs, evaluation services and documentation (photo, video, audio, collection of statistical information, etc.), travel and conference expenses for staff and volunteers to attend DIR-sponsored or approved workshops, community convenings, collective impact table events, etc., production costs, materials, and supplies. INELIGIBLE COSTS-Due to the nature of this funding source (public): Expenses incurred outside of the funding period Brick and mortar or capital improvements/construction Elimination or reduction of existing debt benefits, fund-raisers, and social events Food and beverages Scholarship assistance for academic or non-academic programs political contributions lobbying activities legal fees not related to the Rural Strategic Engagement Program, religious programming, activities, or paraphernalia expenses for programs that occur in spaces that are not ADA-compliant. Insurance premiums as a separate line item.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Other Legal Entity
- Public Agency
Active and approved tax-exempt 501(c)(3),(4), or (5) status or be a public charity under the IRS code.IRS Form 990 must be for the 2022 or 2023 tax year and show gross revenue over $50,000. Applicant, or Fiscal Sponsor, must submit an IRS Form 990.IRS Form 990 must be for the 2022 or 2023 tax year. If applicant or fiscal sponsor is exempt from filing an annual IRS Form 990 or a public charity Form 990-N will be accepted for applicants with gross revenue of less than $50,000 for the 2022 or 2023 tax year.Other appropriatedocumentation such as a letter indicating tax-exempt status or a W-9 for non-profits.
Eligible Geographies:
Applicants will identify the counties they will conduct outreach in, those counties will make up 11 Regions for CWOP. Some Regions will be classified as having an intended statewide reach. The grant fund should be spent in the county where the outreach will be conducted. Some Regions have specific disadvantaged target populations they are serving.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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