Clean California Local Grant Program

The CA Department of Transportation developed the Clean California Local Grant Program through which funds will go to local communities to beautify and improve local streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, and transit centers. Through the combination of adding beautification measures and art in public spaces along with the removal of litter and debris, this effort will enhance communities and improve spaces for walking and recreation.
The Clean California Local Grant Program (CCLGP) is a competitive statewide program created to beautify and clean up local streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, transit centers, and other public spaces. Assembly Bill 149 (Sec.16) created the CCLGP of 2021 and was codified under Streets and Highway Code §91.41 et al. The Program is one part of the nearly $1.1 billion Clean California (Clean CA) initiative that takes direct aim at the continuous trash accumulation that has overwhelmed the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and its partners. Other parts of the Clean CA initiative include litter abatement efforts, state beautification and safety projects, and public education campaigns. Significant investments in time and resources are needed to collect, recycle, and dispose of litter and hazardous waste.
Approximately $100 million was added to the CCLGP to be made available in the fiscal year (FY) 2023-2024 State budget. This funding will be used to implement a second cycle of funding for the program. These guidelines describe the policies, criteria, and procedures for the development, adoption, and management of the CCLGP. The guidelines were developed in consultation with representatives from Caltrans and through stakeholder workshops that included participation from local government agencies, transit agencies, and federally recognized tribal governments, among other stakeholders.
The program is funded by approximately $100 million dollars in FY 2023/2024 (FY23-24) General Fund money. The availability of grant funding is contingent on the funds being made available in the FY 23-24 State Budget. All projects must be completed, and all implementation funds must be expended by June 30, 2026.
Each grant award shall not exceed five million dollars ($5,000,000). There is no minimum award. Applications that request $3,000,000 or less are more competitive, because there is a higher likelihood that these projects will be completed by June 30, 2026. Agencies can submit multiple applications and may receive multiple awards (each award not to exceed $5,000,000) if more than one of their applications is competitive.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
The applicant must be a local or regional public agency, transit agency, or federally recognized tribal government. Nonprofit organizations may partner with eligible applicants, as sub-applicants.
Eligible Geographies:
This is a statewide grant opportunity. Examples of eligible project locations may include local streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, transit centers, and other public spaces. It is recommended that projects are accessible by a multimodal transportation network. One project may contain multiple locations.
Matching Funding Requirement:
Required local match is the minimum percentage of the project’s funding the applicant commits to provide as a condition of accepting a program grant. The required local match will range from 0% (i.e., no local match required) to 50% of the total grant amount request. The percentage is determined based on the “severity of disadvantage” (SOD) of the community surrounding the project.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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