Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program

Portal ID:
Active (213 total applications submitted)
Opportunity Type:
  • Grant
Last Updated:



Under federal and state law the primary purpose of the CWSRF Program is to provide financing for eligible projects to restore and maintain water quality in the state. The SWRCB also seeks to reduce the effects of climate change and to promote sustainable water resources for future generations. These objectives must be cost-effective and complement both the federal and state criteria and the policy goals of the State Water Board.


Eligible Applicants:

Any city, town, district, or other public body created under state law, including state agencies A Native American tribal government or an authorized Native American tribal organization having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes or other waste Any designated and approved management agency under Section 208 of the Clean Water Act 501(c)(3)'s and National Estuary Programs

Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:

Construction of publicly-owned treatment facilities: wastewater treatment, local sewers, sewer interceptors, water reclamation and distribution, stormwater treatment, combined sewers, and landfill leachate treatment.

Implementation of nonpoint source (NPS) projects to address pollution associated with: agriculture, forestry, urban areas, marinas, hydromodification, wetlands, and development and implementation of estuary comprehensive conservation and management plans for: San Francisco Bay Morro Bay Santa Monica Bay.

Financing Terms:

Interest Rate - ½ most recent General Obligation (GO) Bond Rate at time of funding approval Financing Term - up to 30 years or the useful life of the project Financing Amount - No maximum funding limit, but partial funding may be applied in annual CWSRF Intended Use Plan. No maximum disbursement limit! Repayment - Begins 1 year after completion of construction

Applicants qualifying as small disadvantaged communities (DACs) or small severely disadvantaged communities (SDACs) may be eligible for grants and/or principal forgiveness. Based on affordability criteria, applicant agencies may qualify for 50%, 75%, or 100% grant up to a maximum grant amount.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible Applicants:

  • Nonprofit
  • Public Agency
  • Tribal Government

Applicants are eligible for grant funding if they meet the eligibility criteria described in the annual CWSRF IUP. Generally, applicant agencies must serve a population less than 20,000. The community median household income (MHI) is less than 60% of the statewide MHI, or The community MHI is less than 80% of the statewide MHI and the community's sewer rates are at least 1.5% of their MHI.  

Important Dates

The date on which the grantor expects to announce the recipient(s) of the grant.
The length of time during which the grant money must be utilized.
3 years

Funding Details

The total projected dollar amount of the grant.
See Notes Below
A single grant opportunity may represent one or many awards. Some grantors may know in advance the exact number of awards to be given. Others may indicate a range. Some may wish to and wait until the application period closes before determining how many awards to offer; in this case, a value of “Dependent” will display.
Grant opportunities representing multiple awards may offer awards in the same amount or in varied amounts. Some may wish to wait until the application period closes before determining per-award amounts; in this case, a value of “Dependent” will display.
Certain grants require that the recipient(s) provide a letter of intent.
Certain grants require that the recipient(s) be able to fully or partially match the grant award amount with another funding source.

Available Funding Notes:

The total amount available various State Fiscal Year to State Fiscal Year.

The funding source allocated to fund the grant. It may be either State or Federal (or a combination of both), and be tied to a specific piece of legislation, a proposition, or a bond number.
  • Federal and State

Funding Source Notes:

Loans are provided by Clean Water State Revolving Fund. Principal Forgiveness provided by Clean Water State Revolving Fund. Grants provided by Proposition 1, Proposition 68, and Small Community Grant Fee,   

The manner in which the grant funding will be delivered to the awardee. Funding methods include reimbursements (where the recipient spends out-of-pocket and is reimbursed by the grantor) and advances (where the recipient spends received grant funds directly).
  • Reimbursement(s)

Funding Method Notes:

Once the financing agreement has been executed, a recipient may request disbursements that identify specific, eligible costs incurred. Costs submitted to the Division must be currently due and payable, but the recipient need not have actually paid the costs before requesting disbursements.

How to Apply

State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
