Community Economic Resilience Fund Program Evaluation Program Year 2022-23

The purpose of the Community Economic Resilience Fund Program Evaluation is to identify an evaluator who will serve as a learning partner and provide data-driven recommendations to inform the decisions of the Inter-Agency Leadership Team and the High Road Transition Collaboratives.
The purpose of the evaluation is to provide data-driven, evidence-based responses to the following evaluation broad questions:
1. Whether and how did CERF achieve its objectives?
2. Did CERF have unintended effects (positive and/or negative)? If so, what types?
3. Was CERF cost-effective? How much did impact on outcomes cost?
4. Could the ‘inclusive planning model’ be used to scale-up other State efforts to build more equitable, sustainable, and carbon-neutral economy?
In collaboration with the CERF leadership team and the regional High Road Transition Collaboratives (HRTCs), the evaluator will lead the design and implementation of the evaluation plan for the planning and implementation phases of CERF. The implementation phase includes multiple rounds of implementation and a pilot phase. The evaluator should ensure the evaluation follows best practices for rigorous, transparent, and reproducible analysis.
The evaluator is expected to serve as a learning partner and provide data-driven recommendations to inform the decisions of the Inter-Agency Leadership Team and the HRTCs. The outputs of the evaluation, including progress reports and evaluation analysis reports, will inform adaptations, shifts, and recommendations to the work as new lessons emerge with the goal to support real-time feedback and learning.
The evaluation should be (i) relevant and meaningful by responding to the needs of Inter-Agency Leadership Team and regional partners, (ii) rely on as rigorous methods as feasible to examine the quality and quantity of CERF outputs as well as CERF’s contribution to improvements in outcomes, and (iii) responsible in how personally identifiable information (PII) and/or sensitive data is collected, stored, and potentially shared to balance transparency with protection of confidentiality. The evaluator should be resilient as demonstrated through impartiality while ensuring the analysis and interpretation of analysis are credible, unbiased, and as transparent and reproducible as feasible.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Nonprofit
- Tribal Government
Individuals are not eligible to apply. The partners who individually or as part of a team have signed Collective Partnership Agreement Letters to join one of the CERF's High Road Transition Collaboratives are not eligible to apply, unless they can demonstrate the ability to mitigate actual and perceived conflict of interest. The applicants must be based in the United States.
Eligible Geographies:
Preferred Geographic Qualifications: knowledge and understanding of the regional dynamics in California, previous experience of working with or in regions in California and ability to represent regional and community interests on the evaluation team, i.e. selecting Co-Principal Investigators from CERF target regions and/or populations.
Matching Funding Requirement:
The CERF Evaluation will be awarded at a 100% grant rate for a maximum amount of $3.75 million. Therefore, no match is required.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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