Cultural Pathways

The purpose of the Cultural Pathways program is to strengthen the capacity of small, new, and emerging arts organizations that are rooted in communities of color, recent immigrant and refugee communities, and tribal or indigenous groups, and to anchor the cultural and creative work of these organizations into the cultural landscape of the state.
Successful applicants will receive two years of general operating support up to an amount of $30,000 ($15,000 per year). Successful applicants will also receive technical assistance and professional development tools, resources, and training. Technical assistance may take the form of convenings, webinars, learning communities, and workshops.
Program Goals
Projects should:
Strengthen organizational capacity of small, new, and emerging arts and cultural organizations. Advance specific skills and knowledge of key administrative, artistic, and governance personnel. Support the strategic and long-term stability of an organization. Increase access to best practices in nonprofit and public sector management.
Program Requirements
General operating support is intended to support the organization or group in carrying out their mission. Cultural Pathways funding is not intended to support a specific project.
The applicant must complete general operating support activities aligned with the program’s purpose. All activities to be funded by the CAC must occur within the two-year Grant Activity Period. The organization must support a community of color, recent immigrant community, refugee community, tribal or indigenous group. The organization must include and represent the communities to be served. Organization mission, staff, and board (or other advisory or governing body) must remain deeply rooted in and reflective of the identified community or group. Provided arts activities, programs and/or services must be culturally relevant and responsive to the identified community or group. All CAC-funded programs, services, information, and facilities where funded activities take place, including online spaces, must be accessible for individuals with disabilities, including but not limited to individuals who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Blind, have difficulty speaking, have a physical disability, visual disability, developmental disability, learning disability, mental illness, or chronic illness.
Successful applicants will be required to:
Participate in Technical Assistance and Professional Development activities offered remotely and in-person through the CAC and program partners. Contribute to the learning community of the grantee cohort. Attend one regional convening per year (travel assistance provided).
Technical Assistance may include the following areas:
Online grants management system support Grant evaluation and reporting Additional areas as identified by the grantee cohort
Professional Development may include the following areas:
Strategic planning and implementation Leadership and board development Nonprofit financial management Fund development strategies Marketing and outreach Data and systems management Arts presenting Communicating the value of your work Program evaluation Developing and maintaining partnerships Additional areas as identified by the grantee cohort
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Statewide and Regional Networks, State-Local Partner, and General Operating Support for Arts and Culture Organizations grantees are not eligible for Cultural Pathways support in the same fiscal year. Applicants must have a total operating revenue of less than $150,000 for each of the last two completed fiscal years. Applicants must have a minimum two-year history of engagement in arts programming and/or services.
Eligible Geographies:
California-based - Documentation of having a principal place of business in California.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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