Encampment Resolution Funding Program, Round 2

The Encampment Resolution Funding Program funds, person-centered proposals that resolve unsheltered homelessness in encampments. Proposals will address safety and wellness in encampments, resolve critical encampment concerns, and transition people into interim shelter or permanent housing. Proposals may bolster existing, successful models and/or support new approaches that provide safe, stable, and permanent housing for people in encampments.
Cal ICH was created in 2017 to oversee the implementation of Housing First policies, guidelines, and regulations to reduce the prevalence and duration of homelessness in California. Cal ICH’s mission is to develop policies and identify and coordinate resources, benefits, and services to prevent and work toward ending homelessness in California.
The ERF Program is a 4-year grant program that includes two rounds of funding: $50 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 (ERF-1) and $300 million in FY 2022-23 (ERF-2) to provide grants to resolve critical encampment concerns and transition individuals into safe and stable housing.
The first disbursement from the $300 million of ERF-2 funds was provided to applicants from ERF-1 that satisfactorily met all program requirements but had not been awarded grants due to lack of available funds.This NOFA is for the remaining $237,301,738 of ERF-2 funds. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until June 30, 2023, or until all funds are exhausted, whichever comes first. Up to $150 million will be prioritized for proposals that serve people living in encampments on state right-of-ways.
Eligible Applicants• Local Jurisdiction – means a city, including a charter city, a county, including a charter county, or a city and county, including a charter city and county.• Continuum of Care (CoC) – as defined in Section 578.3 of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations.o Local Jurisdictions have priority to apply for ERF programs on state right-of-ways, over CoC applicants, until a date specified by Cal ICH. If a CoC applies for an ERF proposal located on a state right-of-way before May 1, 2023, the CoC must provide a Letter of Local Acknowledgment from each overlapping Local Jurisdiction that identifies the prioritized encampment and confirms that the CoC has communicated with each Local Jurisdiction and that no Local Jurisdiction intends to apply for ERF-2-R funds for the prioritized encampment.
Eligible Population to ServeERF-2-R funds may only be used for proposals that connect people experiencing homelessness in encampments to interim shelter with clear pathways to permanent housing or place people directly into permanent housing.
Rounds of Funding• ERF-1 is Round 1: Featured one disbursement totaling $48 million to 19 jurisdictions.• ERF-2 is Round 2: Features at least two disbursements.o ERF-2’s first disbursement (ERF-2-L) was made available to jurisdictions that applied for ERF-1, satisfactorily met all applicable program requirements, but did not receive awards due to lack of available funds. $47.7 M was awarded to eight jurisdictions. ERF-2’s second disbursement (ERF-2-R) is made available through this NOFA
Available Funds• Up to $237,301,738 are available for award through ERF-2-R.o Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until June 30, 2023, or until funds are exhausted, whichever is sooner.
o Up to 50 percent of the $300 million authorized for ERF-2 shall be prioritized for Local Jurisdictions with proposals that address encampments on state right-of-ways and meet priority criteria established by Cal ICH in consultation with the Department of Transportation.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Public Agency
Eligible Applicants
• Local Jurisdictions – a city, a charter city, a county, including a charter county, or a city and county, a charter city and county.• Continuum of Care (CoC) – as defined in Section 578.3 of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Local Jurisdictions have priority to apply for ERF programs on state right-of-ways, over CoC applicants, until a date specified by Cal ICH. See geographic eligibility section.
Eligible Geographies:
If a CoC applies for an ERF proposal located on a state right-of-way before May 1, 2023, the CoC must provide a Letter of Local Acknowledgment from each overlapping Local Jurisdiction that identifies the prioritized encampment and confirms that the CoC has communicated with each Local Jurisdiction and that no Local Jurisdiction intends to apply for ERF-2-R funds for the prioritized encampment.
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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