Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery Grant Program (Section 6)- 2024
The Department of Fish and Wildlife (Department) distributes federal funds through the Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery Grant Program in coordination with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The objective of this Program is to help develop and implement state programs to conserve and recover federally threatened and endangered species. Applications must be developed in coordination with, and submitted by, a Department employee.
The Department of Fish and Wildlife (Department) is seeking high quality proposals for projects that will further the conservation and recovery of federally listed threatened and endangered wildlife, plant, and certain fish species in California.
Eligible projects are those which target species that are federally listed as threatened, endangered, species for which a positive federal 90-day finding has been made, species subject of a proposed federal listing rule, species for which the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has initiated a status review, and species de-listed by the Service within the last five years. The proposed project must address the conservation of wildlife, plant, or fish species that are managed by Service. Marine species and anadromous fish species are funded under separate federal programs.
Project proposals must be developed in close coordination with Department and Service biologists and identify a Department employee who will sponsor the project by administering the grant.
Projects must focus on one or more of the following areas:
Introduction of species into suitable habitats within their historic range
Enhance or restore habitat
Habitat surveys and inventories
Species status surveys
Propagation of animals and plants Research
Monitoring of candidate, at-risk and recently recovered species
Public education and outreach tools to address a specific threat to a species
Priority will be given to projects designed to directly impact the recovery of federally listed species, prevent extinction of a listed species, or prevent the need to list a candidate species, although proposals involving recently delisted species will also be considered.
Eligible entities include public agencies, state departments, colleges and universities, tribal governments, and nonprofit organizations. Funded activities must be completed within the grant period which may not exceed 3 years of grant approval date. Grant proposals must be developed in coordination with a Department employee who agrees to serve as the grant sponsor.
A minimum non-federal match of 25% of the total cost of the project (25% of the sum of the federal amount requested plus the non-federal match) is required. It must be spent during the grant term and applicants must describe how the minimum match will be provided, including the match source and amount. Match may include in-kind services, volunteer contributions, use of donated equipment, or partial funding for the project from a non-federal source.
Grant funds cannot be used for federal compliance or to obtain any federal permits for the project. In addition, funds cannot be used to satisfy federal, state, or local regulatory requirements, including mitigation, avoidance, minimization, and monitoring.
Applicants should review the 2024 Public Solicitation Notice. Applicants are encouraged to consider and address the review criteria in Section E of the NOFO when preparing their proposal.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Individual
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Public agency includes local agencies, State departments, colleges, and universities. Proposals must be developed in coordination with a CDFW employee who agrees to submit and manage the grant.
Eligible Geographies:
Matching Funding Requirement:
A minimum non-federal match of 25% of the total project cost (25% of the sum of the federal amount requested plus the non-federal match) is required. It be contributed during the grant term. Match may include in-kind services, volunteer contributions, use of donated equipment, or partial funding from a non-federal source.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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