Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery Grants (Section 6)- 2023

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife distributes federal funds for threatened and endangered species conservation and recovery through the Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery Grant Program in coordination with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The primary objective of this Program is to help develop and implement state programs to conserve and recover federally threatened and endangered species.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife distributes grant funds made available through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (Traditional Section 6) Grant Program for threatened and endangered species conservation and recovery actions through Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery Program Grants.
The primary objective of endangered species conservation and recovery grants is to support the development and implementation of state programs to conserve and recover federally threatened and endangered inland fish and wildlife species. Grant funds to support the conservation of certain marine species and anadromous fish species are administered under separate programs. Project proposals must be developed in close coordination with CDFW and USFWS biologists and identify a CDFW employee who will sponsor the project by administering the grant. Eligible projects are those which target recovery actions for species listed as threatened or endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Applicants must provide a minimum of 25% of the total project cost in non-federal matching funds or in-kind services. Projects must focus on one or more of the following areas:
Introduction of federally listed species into suitable habitats within their historic range
Enhancement or restoration of federally listed species habitat
Surveys and inventories of federally listed species habitats
Federally listed species status surveys
Propagation of federally listed animals and plants
Research on federally listed species such as genetic analysis to determine genetic health and population structure
Monitoring of federal candidate, at-risk and recently recovered species
Public education and outreach tools such as website development or coordination workshops with local landowners to address a specific threat to a federally listed species identified in a federal Recovery Plan
Funding priority is given to projects that have a direct impact on the recovery of listed species, prevent extinction of a listed species or prevent the need to list a species through implementation of tasks identified in a final or draft recovery plan, recovery outline, or similar conservation or management strategy. Proposals that involve only research must produce information that can be directly used to prevent listing, recover, manage, or improve current management strategies for a species.
CDFW annually solicits project proposals for funding under the Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery Grant Program based on approved needs, topics, and/or themes which address the goals and objective of the program through the Proposal Solicitation Notice (PSN) linked in the right column of this page.
The number of projects funded each year is dependent on the amount of funding available. Traditional Section 6 Recovery Grants have historically been awarded in amounts ranging from $40,000 to $400,000. Applications for grant awards in excess of $350,000 should include descriptions of alternatives with fewer objectives, a narrower scope, or phases that could be funded with a lesser award.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Public agency includes local agencies, State departments, colleges, and universities.
Eligible Geographies:
Matching Funding Requirement:
A minimum non-federal match of 25% of the total project cost (25% of the sum of the federal amount requested plus the non-federal match) is required. It must be spent during the grant term. Match may include in-kind services, volunteer contributions, use of donated equipment, or partial funding from a non-federal source.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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