English Language Learner Integrated Education and Training Fund Program Year 2022-23

The English Language Learner (ELL) Integrated Education and Training (IET) Fund will award projects to design, develop, and implement projects that expand IET course offerings across the state and accelerate employment and re-employment strategies for ELL. The IET program model will be used to prepare ELLs for in-demand, high quality jobs with sustainable wages.
The ELL IET PY 22-23 grant seeks to create sustainable change in workforce and education programming to enhance the lives of California’s immigrant population through accelerated education and training opportunities that will ensure equitable access to employment in high quality jobs.
Program funding should be used to expand and enhance IET course offerings and other workforce opportunities for the target population in accordance with the following goals and objectives:
1. Equity
Enable upward mobility for ELLs in California, especially ELLs from marginalized communities or with significant barriers to employment.
Equitable access to education, training, and workforce services for ELLs.
Removal of barriers to obtaining in-demand employment in high quality jobs for ELLs.
Greater opportunity for ELLs who have been locked out of the mainstream economy, are under-represented in high-wage occupations and industries, and/or face multiple barriers to quality employment.
Increased number of ELLs placed in high quality jobs with sustainable wages
2. Acceleration
Accelerate upskilling by supporting concurrent English language learning, basic skills development, occupational skills development and attainment of industry-recognized credentials.
Reduce the amount of time ELLs have low or no income through accelerated learning, work- based learning, supportive and wrap around services.
3. Workforce and Economic Development
Grow California’s skilled workforce by fostering demand-driven skills attainment.
Assist employers in filling vacancies with skilled workers.
Fuel industry growth by supporting industry workforce needs.
4. Sustainability and System Alignment
Increase the state’s capacity to provide IET through funding alignment between workforce and education that can be expanded within the project’s local area, and replicated across the state, tailored to regional needs.
Adapt local level policies and procedures to ensure sustainability of project objectives including removal of any barriers to service accessibility and adoption of best practices.
Inform state and regional partners of lessons learned that may inform future project designs, regional collaborations, and state level policies and procedures.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to notify the Employment Development Department of their intent to apply for this funding opportunity by sending a short email message with the applicant organization’s name and address to WSBSFP2@EDD.ca.gov by noon on February 22, 2023.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
Proposals will be accepted from community-based organizations, adult education providers, California Community College districts or colleges, other education or training providers, labor organizations and labor-management partnerships, workforce intermediaries, and Local Workforce Development Areas.
Matching Funding Requirement:
There is no required match for this project. However, the applicant is encouraged to leverage other resources to maximize the impact of the project, earn the maximum return on investment, and foster project replication and sustainability. Applicants are encouraged to braid funds, leverage human capital, and utilize other resources to maximize success for the project.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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