Equal Representation in Construction Apprenticeship (ERiCA) Grant

ERiCA is funding designed to increase equitable access to building & construction career pathways for women, non-binary individuals, and underrepresented populations in CA. Administered by the California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Apprenticeship Standards, the ERiCA is dedicated funding aimed at dismantling barriers that disproportionately prevent women from entering & thriving in the construction industry.
Type of funding: Grant
Estimated total funding: $13,000,000 (July 2025 - June 2027)
Award amount:
Recruitment - $100,000 - $500,000
This category of funding is designed to bolster outreach to women, non-binary individuals, and underrepresented populations interested in careers in the building/construction industry.Childcare - $200,000 - $1,500,000
Pre-apprenticeship: $5,000 per eligible apprentice in a registered pre-apprenticeship program, orApprenticeship: $10,000 per eligible apprentice in a registered apprenticeship programProposals under this category of funding must identify how many eligible participants the grant will support. Applicants for childcare funding MUST also apply for Recruitment funding and provide recruitment/outreach services as outlined in the Recruitment category. Worksite Culture - $100,000 - $500,000
This is a new category of funding focused on improving the worksite culture surrounding construction trades apprenticeships. The focus is both on mentoring, community building and mental health supports for apprentices, along with training for both apprentices and also journey workers, contractors and managers on a worksite to improve the culture of the worksite. Trainings and support should focus on mental health, anti-harassment and antidiscrimination training.Eligible applicants:
All applicants must either be a DAS Registered Apprenticeship or Pre-Apprenticeship program or be in collaboration with one, validated with letters of support.Eligible Grant applicants must have a demonstrated history of operating at least two pre-apprentice or apprentice cohorts focusing on equity and inclusion of underrepresented populations in the building/construction industry over the past four years; or marketed, recruited or advocated for women or non-binary individuals in state registered construction pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs.Entities that received the first round of ERiCA Funding for any category is only eligible for this round of ERiCA Funding if they have passed the annual review as of Dec 31, 2024.Eligible Entity types include:Non-profitsCommunity-based OrganizationsLocal Education AgenciesWorkforce BoardsUnionsState Registered construction apprenticeship & pre-apprenticeship program sponsorsSector: Building and Construction
Target population: The objective of this grant is to increase equitable access to building and construction career pathways for women, non-binary individuals, and underrepresented populations in California.
Required partners: DAS Registered Pre-Apprenticeship Programs or DAS Registered Apprenticeship Programs
Contact: DASGrantUnit@dir.ca.gov
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
All applicants must either be a DAS Registered Apprenticeship/Pre-Apprenticeship program or be in collaboration with one that demonstrated history of operating at least 2 pre-apprentice/apprentice cohorts focusing on equity & inclusion of underrepresented populations in the building/construction industry for the past 4yrs; or marketed, recruited or advocated for women or non-binary individuals in DAS registered construction programs.
Eligible Geographies:
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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