Equity Target Population Fund Program Year 2022-23

The Equity Target Population Fund (ETPF) solicits proposals that employ best practices to accelerate training, break down workforce system barriers, and qualify participants for current and future good-quality jobs in in-demand industry sectors. Funds will be used to design, develop, and implement projects that accelerate equity in employment for justice-involved individuals, disconnected young adults, people with disabilities, and veterans.
The ETPF Program Solicitation for Proposal (SFP) for Program Year 2022-23 (PY 22-23) aims to support innovative projects that accelerate equity in employment and develop employment strategies for populations that face significant barriers to employment. Applicants may propose to serve one or more of the following special populations: disconnected young adults, justice-involved individuals, people with disabilities, and veterans. These funds will support projects that build meaningful and sustainable industry investment and partnerships, provide work-based learning opportunities, increase equitable access to quality jobs, leverage other program funding, and provide wrap-around services that are tailored to address the equity needs for California’s most vulnerable populations that will put them on a path towards a quality job. Proposals must be received by 3 p.m. on Tuesday, December 13, 2022. An informational webinar will be held on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at 10 a.m. Pre-registration is required. For registration information, email a request to WSBGrants@edd.ca.gov by November 29, 2022. The EDD encourages applicants to submit a notice of intent to apply by December 6, 2022, at noon to WSBGrants@edd.ca.gov. To view the entire Solicitation for Proposal, visit the Employment Development Department's Workforce Development Solicitations for Proposals webpage.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Proposals will be accepted from public and private non-profit organizations, Local Workforce Development Areas, education and training providers, tribal organizations, faith-based organizations, and community-based organizations. Individuals are not eligible to apply.
Eligible Geographies:
Applicants to the ETPF Program for PY 22-23 may propose to serve disconnected young adults, justice-involved individuals, people with disabilities, and veterans in disadvantaged communities across the State of California.
Matching Funding Requirement:
Applicants must demonstrate the ability to leverage a minimum of 20 percent of their budget with funds or services from other sources. The leverage funds are based on the total grant funding requested. Applicants are encouraged to braid funds, leverage human capital, and utilize other resources to maximize the success of the project. Leveraged resources can come from a variety of sources.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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