Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 (Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities)

The goal of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Program is to improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities by removing barriers to transportation services and expanding the transportation mobility options available. Provides financial assistance for transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to meet special transportation needs.
This program provides Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant funds for capital, mobility management, and operating expenses for:
· Public transportation projects planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, inappropriate, or unavailable;
· Public transportation projects that exceed the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);
· Public transportation projects that improve access to fixed-route service and decrease reliance on complementary paratransit; and
· Alternatives to public transportation projects that assist seniors and individuals with disabilities and with transportation.
Caltrans administers the Small Urban and Rural apportionment in California and currently 14 Large Urbanizes Areas in California. These include the Large Urbanized Areas of:
Antioch, Bakersfield, Concord, Indio-Cathedral, Modesto, Murrieta-Temecula-Menifee, Riverside-San Bernardino, Sacramento, San Francisco-Oakland, San Jose, Santa Rosa, Stockton, Victorville-Hesperia, Visalia
Eligible Projects:
Capital - Vehicles (ADA accessible vehicles) and related equipment (cameras, mobile radios, scheduling software, etc. )
Mobility Management (travel training, One Stop Call Center, etc.)
Operating Assistance (salaries, gas, vehicle maintenance, etc.)
Eligible Applicants:
Private Non-Profit Organizations (ALL project types) or qualifying Public Agencies (Operating Assistance and Mobility Management - Capital if no non-profit organizations serve that area)
Coordination Plan:
Projects funded are required to be included in a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan and the plan be developed and approved through a process that included participation by seniors; individuals with disabilities; representatives of public, private, nonprofit transportation and human service providers; and other members of the public. Please coordinate with your local Regional Transportation Planning Agency or Metropolitan Planning Organization for more information for this requirement.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
All private nonprofit organizations. Public agencies qualify for Mobility Management or Operating Assistance, for Capital Projects - must either be the designated Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (CTSA) or certify and hold a public hearing to show that no nonprofit organizations are providing service.
Eligible Geographies:
Rural Areas (pop under 50,000)
Small Urban Area (pop between 50,000-199,999)
Large Urbanized Areas administered by Caltrans:
*Riverside-San Bernardino
*San Francisco-Oakland
*San Jose
*Santa Rosa
Matching Funding Requirement:
For this cycle: Projects are 100% federally funded (with toll credits) and no match is required (unless vehicle award goes over the awarded grant amount)
Typically the local match is as follows:
Capital Projects - 20% local match required
Mobility Management Projects - 20% local match required
Operating Assistance - 50% local match required
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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