Fiscal Year 2021-22 Adult Education & Vocational School Zero-Emission Vehicle Technology Training Project

The goal of this solicitation is to increase priority population, including low-income and disadvantaged communities, awareness of and access to Zero-Emission Vehicle specific training, education, and jobs for individuals opting to follow a non-traditional educational pathway. This funding supports access to relevant clean transportation employers and high-road jobs that prepare students for careers in the clean transportation technology sector.
The California Air Resources Board is soliciting Grantee(s) for the Adult Education & Vocational School Zero-Emission Vehicle Technology Training Project (Project) for Fiscal Year 2021-22 to develop new or strengthen existing workforce training and development programs and training curriculum for Zero-Emission Vehicle technologies. On November 19, 2021, the Board approved a $1.5 million allocation toward Workforce Training and Development projects in the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives (Funding Plan).
The goal of this solicitation is to increase priority population, including low-income and disadvantaged communities, awareness of and access to Zero-Emission Vehicle specific training, education, and jobs for individuals opting to follow a non-traditional educational (i.e., not a 4-year university or community college) pathway. This includes connections to apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeships programs based on California Air Resources Board’s Senate Bill 350 study, Overcoming Barriers to Clean Transportation Access to Low-Income Residents (California Air Resources Board’s Senate Bill 350 Guidance Document or Guidance Document), lessons learned, and ongoing stakeholder feedback. Supporting adult education and vocational school programs fills a key gap identified in community discussions to fund educational programs outside of the community college system, where funding has been provided from state programs. California Air Resources Board aims to create opportunities for building and expanding zero-emission skills to support the shift to a clean transportation economy. This funding supports access to relevant clean transportation employers and high-road jobs that prepare students for careers in the clean transportation technology sector.
Funding for this Project must benefit an existing program within a California-based, accredited, non-profit adult education or vocational school and support new or expand existing Zero-Emission Vehicle technology training elements that lead to job and career advancement for priority populations. Programs should focus on working with and enrolling students from priority populations.
The Project will be administered and implemented through partnerships between California Air Resources Board and Grantee(s) selected via this competitive solicitation.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
This competitive solicitation is only open to California-based, accredited, non-profit, adult education or vocational school institutions. Education and workforce training entities and organizations supporting Zero-Emission Vehicle and electric vehicle charging and fueling equipment education and workforce development may partner with adult education or vocational school institutions.
Eligible Geographies:
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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