High Road Training Partnership Low Carbon Workforce Program

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20, the Legislature appropriated $30M from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) to the California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) for its two primary high road workforce development programs: $10M for High Road Construction Careers (HRCC) and $20M for High Road Training Partnerships (HRTP).
The HRTP initiative will fund demonstration projects designed to promote income mobility and shared prosperity through an innovative and inclusive human capital strategy that prioritizes job quality, supports economic and climate resilience, and links regionally-driven sector work to a statewide skills agenda.
Project partnerships will embrace key elements of the CWDB’s strategic framework, including sector-based strategies, career pathways, and regional collaboration; along with the State Plan’s recommended skill-delivery approaches, including, for example, apprenticeship, credentialing, English language acquisition, and connections to supportive services.
The purpose of the project (and funding) is to establish and convene partnerships in order to develop an industry-based skills building infrastructure that negotiates the future of work, and whose collaboration will lead to the goals and outcomes clearly outlined in this RFA.
Through this RFA, the CWDB will fund the following:1. Developing a New High Road Training Partnership2. Regional Workforce Strategies
The purpose of a HRTP is not to develop a program, project, or curriculum, but to lay the foundation of an industry-based skills infrastructure that can negotiate the future of work to build regional economies for California. True partnerships are built around a common mission and shared responsibility, relying on both good employers and good workers. As an integrated approach to labor, workforce, and economic policy, the high road can be expressed as a commitment to equity, sustainability, and job quality.
Successful HRTP applicants are expected to: Connect workers to high-quality jobs or entry-level work with clearly defined routes to advancement; Increase skills and opportunity for those at the lower end of the labor market while expanding career pipelines within key industries for priority populations, individuals with barriers to employment, and under-represented workers; Support both labor and management in improving health, safety, and professionalization of jobs; Address worker, employer, and industry needs as they respond and adapt to climate change and environmental sustainability, and build community and economic resilience; Respond to existing or impending industry disruption due to the transition away from fossil fuels and other climate mitigation strategies; Build partnerships to connect dislocated workers to existing resources and services and to plan for long-term retraining (focusing on workers and communities impacted by fossil fuel industry decline); Regional strategies developed through partnerships that support workers and communities in adapting to and creating new workforce opportunities in the transition to a carbon-neutral economy; Promote economic equity and mobility for workers, skills and competitiveness for high road employers, and long –term environmental sustainability and climate mitigation;
Develop highly skilled employees and establish long term employment and career path solutions; Establish or expand an Apprenticeship program is highly encouraged.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Individual
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to: Industry-based training providers, Industry-based intermediaries including industry associations Labor organizations and labor-management partnerships, Community-based organizations and non-profit organizations, Public education entities and training providers, Workforce intermediaries, Local workforce development boards, Environmental justice organizations
Eligible Geographies:
Matching Funding Requirement:
While not required, the CWDB strongly encourages applicants to leverage significant cash or in-kind support for project activities.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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