High Road Training Partnership Resilient Workforce Program (RWP)- Round 1

The objectives of the HRTP initiative are to increase access to existing high road jobs for underserved populations & create pathways for job growth for incumbents already employed with high road employers.
The Resilient Workforce Program will fund training partnerships with existing high road employers to directly increase the number of skilled workers from underserved populations in quality jobs in priority sectors.
California is committed to strengthening the 'High Road' economy. The High Road vision consists of four elements:
• Design quality jobs. Job quality refers to jobs with employers that: pay at or above local or regional living wages, provide health and retirement benefits, create safe working conditions, establish fair and predictable scheduling practices, include worker voice and agency, and ensure career advancement opportunities are equitable and transparent.
• Ensure equity for workers. Equity ensures that gender, race, ethnicity, or other demographic characteristics do not affect access to and advancement in quality jobs. Equity in the context of High Road means economic equity and therefore requires close attention to job quality.
• Amplify worker voice. Worker voice refers to creating opportunities for workers to participate in decisions that affect their livelihoods. This can take shape through many types of structures, including but not limited to labor unions, worker centers, labor management partnerships, or other entities with a demonstrated history of providing consistent and independent worker voice that informs employer decision-making.
• Invest in environmental sustainability. Environmental sustainability refers to supporting efforts toward a carbon-neutral economy. Supporting these efforts requires special attention to industry sectors on the frontlines of the transition to a carbon neutral economy (e.g., energy generation and distribution, buildings and construction, vehicle and components manufacturing, forestry services, and agriculture)
The HRTP model embodies the sector approach championed by the CWDB—industry partnerships that deliver job quality, economic equity for more workers, and climate resilience. Under this Initiative, the CWDB has initiated several programs, including High-Road Construction Careers (HRCC) and the Low-Carbon Economy Workforce Program. CWDB has modeled a systemic approach to industry-led workforce development through these programs
HRTP Resilient Workforce Program (RWP) Objective
The next phase of the CWDB's HRTP Initiative represents an evolution of the program based on lessons learned from past projects. Changes to state law and budget priorities continue to advance the HRTP Initiative through diversified funding streams, targeted efforts to expand HRTPs into new industry sectors and regions, more clearly defined High Road language and terminology, and further integration of the High Road vision into the state's public workforce system and the state's economy at-large.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Individual
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
One entity will apply on behalf of the partnership and assume the role of the lead applicant, or Fiscal Agent. The CWDB recommends that the Fiscal Agent has experience managing state and/or federally-funded grants and the capacity to organize and coordinate project teams comprised of representatives from the partner organizations listed in the HRTP Program Partners section of this RFA.
Matching Funding Requirement:
Leveraged/match funds are not required for the HRTP RWP grant. While not required, the CWDB encourages applicants to leverage cash or in-kind support for project activities. The definition of "cash match" is a contribution of funds made available specifically for project activities and must be consistent with allowable activities of the funding source.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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