Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program ROUND 5
HHAP-5 is established for the purpose of organizing and deploying the full array of homelessness programs and resources comprehensively and effectively, and to sustain existing federal, state, and local investments towards long-term sustainability of housing and supportive services. (HSC §§ 50232(a) and 50236(a).) To accomplish these goals, HHAP-5 requires applicants to create and implement Regionally Coordinated Homelessness Action Plans.
HHAP-5 is established for the purpose of organizing and deploying the full array of homelessness programs and resources comprehensively and effectively, and to sustain existing federal, state, and local investments towards long-term sustainability of housing and supportive services. (HSC §§ 50232(a) and 50236(a).) To accomplish these goals, HHAP-5 requires applicants to create and implement Regionally Coordinated Homelessness Action Plans. In order to successfully reduce homelessness through this funding, Cal ICH also expects applicants to:
• Foster robust regional collaboration and strategic partnerships aimed at fortifying the homeless services and housing delivery system. This should be achieved through the formulation of data-driven and cross-system plans designed to allocate resources in alignment with the state's priorities for homeless housing solutions. This means implementing strategies that create and sustain regional partnerships and emphasize permanent housing solutions.
• Ensure the long-term sustainability of housing and supportive services, by strategically pairing these funds with other local, state, and federal resources to effectively reduce and ultimately end homelessness. Applicants are encouraged to follow the guidance provided in “Putting the Funding Pieces Together: Guide to Strategic Uses of New and Recent State and Federal Funds to Prevent and End Homelessness”.
• Demonstrate sufficient resources dedicated to long-term permanent housing solutions, including capital and operating costs.
• Demonstrate a commitment to address racial disproportionality in 4 homeless populations and achieve equitable provision of services and outcomes for Black, Native and Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islanders and other People of Color who are disproportionately impacted by homelessness.
• Establish a mechanism for people with lived experience of homelessness to have meaningful and purposeful opportunities to inform and shape all levels of planning and implementation, including through opportunities to hire people with lived experience.
• Fund projects that provide housing and services that are Housing First compliant, per HSC section 50234(f), and delivered in a low barrier, trauma informed, and culturally responsive manner. Individuals and families assisted with these funds must not be required to receive treatment or perform any other prerequisite activities as a condition for receiving interim or permanent housing, or other services for which these funds are used. Housing First should be adopted within the entire local homelessness response system, including outreach and interim housing, short-term interventions like rapid re-housing, and longer-term interventions like supportive housing.
• Cal ICH strongly encourages applicants to prioritize the use of HHAP funds to assist people to remain in or move into safe, stable, permanent housing. HHAP funding should be housing-focused -- either funding permanent housing interventions directly or, if used for interim housing or street outreach, have clear pathways to connect people to permanent housing options.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Other Legal Entity
- Public Agency
Eligible applicants for HHAP program funds are the same as in round 4 of HHAP funding which include:
• California's 44 CoCs identified by HUD.• California’s 14 Large cities with a population of 300,000 or more as of Jan 1, 2022.• California’s 58 Counties.
Per HSC sections 50233(a) and 50235(c)(1), eligible applicants must apply as part of a region and be a signatory to a Regionally Coordinated Homelessness Action Plan to be approved by the Council.
Eligible Geographies:
Within the state of California
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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