Impact Projects
The California Arts Council's Impact Projects grant program intends to support collaborative projects that center artists and artistic practice in responding to issues facing California at this time, including the pervasive social, political, and economic inequalities experienced by those communities most vulnerable to, and adversely affected by, the COVID-19 pandemic.
Impact Projects grants support arts organizations for collaborations between local artist(s) and community members to develop and express their own creative and artistic goals and address a community-defined need. Collaborative projects will utilize various creative practices to impact social issues affecting their communities, including but not limited to systemic/structural racism, education, poverty, health disparities, housing insecurity, violence, food insecurity, cultural/social justice, intergenerational learning, environmental sustainability, and the digital divide. This program prioritizes local artists and forms of arts and cultural expression that are unique to, and/or historically rooted in, the specific communities to be served.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
● California-based - Documentation as being a California-based nonprofitarts/cultural organization; an arts-based unit of municipal or county government;or a tribal government, or nonprofit social service organization with regularongoing arts programming and/or services and a principal place of business inCalifornia.● Arts programming - Applicants must have a minimum two-year history ofconsistent engagement in arts programming and/or services.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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