Parks Pass Grant 2023

The goal is to generate positive measurable impacts in the areas of health, natural resource stewardship, and historical and cultural connections with an equity lens. The objectives of the program are:
Improving Californians' mental and physical health.Empowering under-resourced communities to take advantage of the benefits of California’s State Park System in alignment with the California for All Kids and California Outdoors for All initiatives.
Parks Pass grant funding is open to all public libraries circulating a California State Library Parks Pass:
No grant minimumProject maximum: $75,000
Current Parks Pass grantees for the 22-23 grant are eligible to apply for this grant opportunity. Reporting requirements and deadlines will transfer to those attached to this grant.
Libraries will be able to apply for additional California State Library Parks Passes to use for their grant programs during the grant period. All grant-funded programs should include outreach activities that focus on underserved communities that face barriers to park access. For more information, see the Grant website.
Libraries will choose one of the following four categories:
State Parks-based Programming: projects that create library programming to build meaningful connections to and memorable experiences in state parks for underserved communities in State Parks. Projects may include a transportation component. Examples include a library hosted field trip/tour of a State Park, outdoor skills workshops, teen hikes, author talks/poetry reading in parks, local plant walks.
Interpretive Materials: projects that create meaningful connections to and memorable experiences for underserved communities by creating accessible, useful, and creative materials for supporting access to State Parks and the outdoors. Activities include, but are not limited to: trail preview or “how-to” videos, trail maps in multiple languages, indigenous language story walks, nature guides by children. We encourage libraries to work with local artists to facilitate the creation of these materials.
Parks Pass Programming: programming projects that target underserved communities, including outreach, collection development, or other programmatic activities related to the Parks Pass Program goal and outcomes that do not fit into the categories above. Examples include circulating outdoor gear, storywalks in parks, or ranger talks. Programs and outreach should target underserved communities who face barriers to park access. For examples, see our current grantees.
Adult Literacy Program Partnership: projects that build a partnership with the library’s existing adult literacy program(s). For example, tutor and learner created adult new reader books focused on local state parks, literacy-reserved outdoor gear, field trips, etc.
TimelineGrant opens: December 13, 2022Information session: December 15, 2022 from 2-3 pmLiteracy-focused Information Session: December 15, 2022 from 11:30-12:30Grant closes: January 30, 2023 at 12:00 pm (noon)Application status and selection notification: February 2023Award letters out: early MarchGrant period: March 2023 – February 2024Successful applicants can expect to receive project funds up to 8–10 weeks after the payment claim form is received by the State Library.
March – February: every other month 1-hour Community of Practice sessions to share resources, best practices, training, etc.Mid-project Narrative and Financial reports due: September 1February 29: Program period endsMarch 2024: Final reporting and evaluation
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
Open to all public libraries circulating a California State Library Parks Pass:
Library jurisdictions with up to 14 outlets may apply for one grant Library jurisdictions with 15–30 outlets may apply for two grants Library jurisdictions with 31 or more outlets may apply for three grants Current Parks Pass grantees are eligible.
Requirements include:
joining the Community of PracticeMidyear report: 9/1/23. Final reports: 3/30/24.
Eligible Geographies:
California Public Libraries.
All grant-funded programs should include outreach activities that focus on underserved communities that face barriers to park access.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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