RMC Lower LA River Grant Program

Priorities for RMC Lower LA River Grants:
1. Ecosystems and watershed protection and restoration projects
2. Expand access to diverse populations
3. High-need project implementation
4. Implementation of projects congruent with the Lower LA River Revitalization Plan
In certain years, the annual state budget has allocated General Funds directly to the RMC. These funds have been incorporated into the Non-Bond Priority Grant Program. The major funding priorities are described below.
Lower LA River:
The Lower Los Angeles River program area encompasses 1.5 miles on each side of the river’s lower 19-miles , from the City of Vernon to the City of Long Beach. The Lower Los Angeles River Revitalization Plan(LLARRP) describes opportunities for improving the environment of the Lower Los Angeles River. The plan was developed through a watershed-based, equitable, community-driven process and it identified 155 potential multi-benefit projects that would improve community economics, health, and equity; the public realm; and water and the environment along and in the vicinity of the river. The Plan has been incorporated into thewatershed (LLARRP) describes opportunities for improving the environment of Lower Los Angeles River. The plan was developed through a watershed-based, equitable, community-driven process and it identified 155 potential multi-benefit projects that would improve community economics, health, equity; public realm; water along in vicinity river. Plan has been incorporated into
Los Angeles River Master Plan Update. Funding will be support projects in line with the LLARRP, immediate drought response, and long-term water resiliency.
Applications will be submitted in two phases: a Concept Proposal and a Full Application. Applicants will first submit a Concept Proposal that will be reviewed by RMC staff for consistency with RMC goals, any specific program priorities, and the strength of the proposed project. In addition, RMC staff will look at all Concept Proposals for location, need, project type, readiness, threats, cost, and cost share. RMC staff will offer applicants feedback regarding alignment with priorities, overall merit, and any ineligible costs. RMC staff will select Concept Proposals to move forward and will invite selected applicants to submit Full Applications.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Eligible applicants for projects located within the boundaries of the RMC are:
State agencies
Federal agencies
Tribal entities recognized on the current US Federal Register or the Native American Heritage Commission as a California Native American tribe
Local public agencies, including:
City or county
Water districts
School districts
Certified local conservation corps
Non-profit organizations with a 501(c)(3) designation
Joint Powers Authority (JPA)
Eligible Geographies:
RMC’s LLAR Grants are specific to the Lower LA River corridor, considered within 1.5 miles of the main stem or tributary of the Lower LA River. Projects should be consistent with the Lower LA River Revitalization Plan.
Matching Funding Requirement:
Although not required, preference will be given to projects that have secured matching funding.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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