Rubberized Pavement Grant Program

This competitive tire grant program provides opportunities to divert waste tires from landfills, prevent illegal tire dumping, and promote markets for recycled-content tire products. The Program promotes markets for recycled surfacing products derived from only CA-generated waste tires. It is aimed at encouraging first-time/limited users of rubberized pavement in two project types – Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Hot-Mix and Rubberized Chip Seal.
An application may include rubberized pavement (hot-mix and chip seal) projects for roadways, Class 1 bikeways (as defined in Streets and Highway Code section 890.4(a)), greenways, and disability access at parks. A greenway is a travel corridor for pedestrians, bicycles, non-motorized vehicle transportation, recreation, or a combination thereof, located along natural landscape features, such as an urban watercourse.
State agencies are eligible only for projects for Class 1 bikeways, greenways, and disability access at parks.
All projects are subject to the following requirements:
• The grantee will construct one or more Rubberized Asphalt Concrete (RAC) Hot-Mix or Rubberized Chip Seal project(s) at the location(s) specified in the approved grant application, unless otherwise approved by the Grant Manager.
• Only California-generated waste tires, processed in California, shall be used in the crumb rubber portion of the project(s). Recycled end-of-life crumb rubber that meets all specifications and standards can be used, as appropriate.
• The project(s) must be located in California.
• Projects must be owned and maintained by the applicant and accessible to the public.
• Reimbursement will not exceed the amount stated on the Grant Agreement Cover Sheet (CalRecycle 110).
• Construction of the RAC portion of any project must commence on or after the date indicated in the Notice to Proceed and be completed by April 1, 2026.
• The binder material must contain a minimum of 300 pounds (equivalent to 15 percent by weight) of the tire-derived crumb rubber per ton of rubberized binder. The binder may be either asphalt rubber/field blend or terminal blend.
Additionally, the following are project requirements specific to the project type indicated:
• Hot-Mix Project: Project(s) must use a minimum of 2,000 tons of RAC hot-mix (1,000 tons for Tribal Entities).
• Chip Seal Project: Project(s) must use a minimum area of 40,000 square yards of chip seal material (20,000 square yards for Tribal Entities).
Because of the amount of paving material used, local government and Qualifying Indian tribe applicants may combine projects for Class 1 bikeways, greenways, and disability access at parks with eligible roadway projects in order to satisfy Pavement Grant Program minimums.
Please visit our grants website for eligible costs and additional grant specific information.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Eligible applicants include:
• Local Governments (cities and counties)
• Other local governmental agencies (including regional park districts, special districts, and Joint Powers Authorities)
• Qualifying Tribal Entities
• State agencies. State agencies are only eligible for projects for Class 1 bikeways, greenways, and disability access at parks
Please visit our grants website for a complete description and additional grant specific information.
Eligible Geographies:
Applicants with a median household income less than 80 percent of the statewide median household income and whose grant request seeks a majority of funding (greater than 50 percent) for a greenway shall be given priority funding.
Please visit our grants website for a complete description and additional grant specific information.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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