SB 1 Technical Assistance

In order to support the High Road Construction Careers initiative, the California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) is pleased to announce the availability of up to $700,000 total in Technical Assistance (TA) to fund two distinct TA categories: Project Support (up to $500,000) and Regional Coordination (up to $200,000) to support the regional HRCC pre-apprenticeship partnerships.
The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 of 2017 (Senate Bill 1, Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017, Senator Beall) invests billions of dollars annually to fix and maintain California’s transportation infrastructure. The CWDB received $25 million ($5 million annually for five years) to establish a pre-apprenticeship training program, beginning in 2019.In November 2019, the CWDB released RFA #85585 with the availability of up to $14 million in funding for the HRCC: SB 1 Program. The CWDB divided the state of California into 12 distinct regions, aligning with the Building & Construction Trade Council jurisdictions. The intent was to fund each region with only one application accepted per region. All 12 regions applied, resulting in 11 applications (regions 9 & 11 submitted a joint-application) representing the entire state of California.
The purpose of the HRCC: SB 1 program is the development and sustained support of a system of regionally based pre-apprenticeship training partnerships in every corner of California.
Technical Assistance is an extension of CWDB capacity to provide targeted expertise andassistance to support the HRCC Partnerships. The goal of HRCC: SB 1 is to build trainingpartnerships and not just training programs, to establish sustainable, regionally based preapprenticeship coalitions committed to systematically increasing the numbers of women andworkers from disadvantaged communities in State-approved apprenticeship programs. Thisentails more than curricula and skills training. It is a whole system of practices driven bycommon vision and values of equity and job quality—practices around recruitment, appropriatesupports, mentoring, training, and access to apprenticeship and long-term middle-class careers.The end game is that each HRCC Partnership has the organizational structure and staff capacityfor a sustained coalition and effective program work. TA will help the CWDB with organizingpeer-to-peer support to drive a common HRCC vision across the projects, as well as providehands-on assistance to each individual HRCC Partnership to meet its unique developmentneeds. Ultimately technical assistance must help the HRCC partnerships:
• Build and sustain regional coalitions focused on increasing skills, opportunity, and accessfor disadvantaged and underrepresented populations to State-approved apprenticeshipprograms;• Strengthen structured, North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) certified MC3pre-apprenticeship pathways that start with quality jobs, are centered on labor supplyand demand, and align supports that are relevant to the populations targeted;• Provide individuals with barriers to employment the services and supports needed to besuccessful in entering, participating in, and completing an MC3 pre-apprenticeshipprogram;• Analyze, project, and manage the supply and demand of new apprentices across theregion and the distribution of HRCC: SB1 resources across MC3 providers and otherHRCC partners;
Under this RFA we are funding two distinct types of technical assistance:1. Project Support2. Regional Coordination
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
Interested organizations can apply for either Project Support, Regional Coordination, or both. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to: • Local building trades Councils (BTCs), Central Labor Councils, and other labor organizations • Local workforce development boards (WDBs) or regional consortia of WDBs • Public education entities • Non-profits and Community based organizations
Eligible Geographies:
The HRCC: SB 1 program will expand HRCC into a comprehensive statewide industry sector strategy through the development and support of a single Regional HRCC Partnership in each region of California. The goal is to establish sustainable, regionally based preapprenticeship coalitions committed to systematically increasing the numbers of women and workers from disadvantaged communities in State-approved apprenticeship programs.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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