School Health Demonstration Project Local Educational Agency Pilot Participant Selection Request for Applications

The California Department of Education is accepting applications from local educational agencies to participate in the School Health Demonstration Project. The School Health Demonstration Project is a pilot project to expand comprehensive health and mental health services to public school pupils by providing LEAs technical assistance and support that builds the capacity for programmatic sustainability by leveraging multiple revenue sources.
The California Department of Education (CDE) is accepting applications from local educational agencies (LEAs) to participate in the School Health Demonstration Project. The School Health Demonstration Project is a pilot project to expand comprehensive health and mental health services to public school pupils by providing LEAs technical assistance and support that builds the capacity for programmatic sustainability by leveraging multiple revenue sources.
The CDE will select up to 25 LEAs who will receive support for a two-year period from Technical Assistance Teams, selected by the CDE, that have direct experience with Medi-Cal billing and drawing down other state and federal funding resources that can increase support for needed services at school sites. The goal of the School Health Demonstration Project is to increase capacity at those LEAs by securing federal reimbursement and other revenue sources for health and mental health services provided to pupils.
The Technical Assistance Teams will provide LEAs guidance on general and special education mental health programs, school finance, health care, Medi-Cal managed care contracting and benefits, Medicaid billing, and data analysis.
To submit a proposal to the CDE and be considered for selection, applicants must be an LEA, defined for the purposes of this application as a school district, county office of education (COE) or charter school.
The Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill of 2021–22 (Section 4 of Assembly Bill 130 (Chapter 44, Statutes of 2021) as amended by Section 1 of AB 167 (Chapter 252, Statutes of 2021), codified California Education Code (EC) Section 49421, which can be found on the California Legislative Information web page at This law authorizes the CDE, in consultation with the State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), to select up to 25 LEAs as pilot participants in the School Health Demonstration Project.
The total budget for this RFA is $5 million for work commencing on January 1, 2023, and ending December 31, 2024. Each LEA selected to serve as a pilot participant shall receive up to $100,0001 per year for each of the two years it participates in the pilot project. These funds shall be used for contracting with one of the Technical Assistance Teams, selected by the CDE, and may also be used to address needs identified by the in-depth analysis conducted by the Technical Assistance Teams. The Technical Assistance Teams will be selected under a separate Request for Applications (RFA).
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Public Agency
Eligibility Criteria
For the purpose of this grant, eligible applicants must be public school districts, charter schools, and/or COEs that are either not currently participating in School-Based Medi-Cal billing programs or who are currently participating in School-Based Medi-Cal billing programs, including LEA BOP and SMAA, and need support and technical assistance to increase their reimbursement claims.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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