Tire-Derived Aggregate (TDA) Grant Program

This competitive tire grant program provides opportunities to divert waste tires from landfills, prevent illegal tire dumping, and promote markets for recycled-content tire products. The Program provides assistance to civil engineers in solving a variety of engineering challenges using Tire-Derived Aggregate (TDA), which is produced from shredded tires, is lightweight, free-draining, and a less expensive alternative to conventional aggregates.
Eligible Projects:
Projects generally fall into one of five categories (see TDA Uses for more complete descriptions):
Category 1: Mechanically Stabilized TDA (retaining walls).
Category 2: Low Impact Development (storm water mitigation including storm water infiltration galleries).
Category 3: Lightweight fill (slope stabilization, embankment fill, landslide repair, and retaining walls).
Category 4: Vibration mitigation (under rail lines).
Category 5: Landfill application (aggregate replacement projects such as leachate and gas collection systems, drainage layers, leachate injection).
All projects are subject to the following requirements:
• Only California-generated waste tires that are processed in California shall be used in the TDA portion of the project(s).
• The project(s) must be located in California.
• A combined minimum of 500 tons of TDA must be used in the project(s), except for Low Impact Development projects, which must use a minimum of 200 tons of TDA in the project(s).
• Plans and specifications must be reviewed by CalRecycle staff and/or its contractor(s) prior to commencement of work. The project design plans must be uploaded in GMS at a minimum 50 percent complete during application submittal and 100 percent design prior to the start of the project. The design plans must include: project costs (preliminary costs during application submittal), the project location (TDA placement), type and quantity of TDA (initial estimate during application submittal), and any analysis necessary to validate the design.
• Each project must incorporate technical assistance/training that will be provided by CalRecycle contractors and/or staff. All the following must receive CalRecycle sponsored technical training prior to implementation of the project, (1) Owner representative, (2) Construction Management engineer (Quality Assurance / Quality Control), and (3) Construction company project supervisor.
• The real property on which the project will be located must be owned by the applicant.
• If applicant’s ownership of the property on which the project(s) is located does not give it complete and clear access to the project site(s), then prior to incurring any grant-eligible costs, applicant must obtain any and all access rights (e.g., easements) to the project site(s) necessary to complete the project(s) within the grant term and shall ensure that such access extends to CalRecycle staff and/or its designated contractors for the purpose of observing the project, providing technical assistance and/or training during the grant term. Such access must be in writing from the legal owner or his/her authorized agent.
• Reimbursement will not exceed the amount stated on the Grant Agreement Cover Sheet (CalRecycle 110).
• Construction of the TDA portion of any project must commence on or after the date indicated in CalRecycle’s written Notice to Proceed and be completed by April 1, 2026.
Additionally, landfill projects will not be reimbursed for use of more than 0.75 cubic yards (0.5 tons) of TDA per lineal foot of landfill gas collection or leachate injection line.
Please visit our grants website for eligible costs and additional grant specific information.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Eligible applicants include:
• All California local government entities
• Special districts
• Joint Powers Authorities (JPA)
• Public school districts
• All California State agencies
• CA State University, University of CA, and CA Community Colleges
• Private, for-profit entities
• Non-profit organizations
• Qualifying Tribal Entities
Please visit our grants website for a complete description and additional grant specific information.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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