Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Program Tier 2 (2023-26) Grant

The purpose is to help local educational agencies develop and implement effective tobacco prevention and education programs for students in grades six through twelve: (1) reducing the prevalence of youth tobacco use and vaping, (2) increasing collaboration with other agencies and individuals, (3) promoting school connectedness as an integral part of their programming, and (4) adopting a holistic approach to youth tobacco-use prevention.
The goal of the TUPE Program is to prevent tobacco use among students in California schools by funding local educational agencies (LEAs) to help students learn to make healthy decisions. Funded LEAs empower students through tobacco-specific, evidence-informed education and activities that build knowledge and social skills. In 1988, California voters approved Proposition 99, the Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act, which placed a 25-cent tax on packs of cigarettes, a portion of which goes to various state and local agencies to operate a comprehensive tobacco control program. Proposition 99 funded the CDE to establish the TUPE Program to provide students in grades six through twelve with the knowledge and skills needed to avoid tobacco use and tobacco-related diseases. Proposition 99 also established the Tobacco Education and Research Oversight Committee (TEROC) to advise other agencies, including the CDE, with respect to program development, implementation, and evaluation. The TEROC develops and regularly updates an overarching plan for tobacco control in California. Objective 4 of the TEROC Plan addresses the need for programs to prevent tobacco use among young people and to empower them as advocates for tobacco control. The TEROC Plan may be found at TEROC Master Plan ( In 2016, California voters also approved Proposition 56, the California Healthcare Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act. Proposition 56 increased the cigarette tax by $2.00 per pack and placed new taxes on other tobacco products. A portion of the tax goes to support anti-tobacco programming. The law was designed to help prevent youth tobacco use, reduce tobacco-related health care costs, and accelerate the rate of decline in tobacco-related disparities. Pursuant to Propositions 99 and 56, the CDE has developed important funding opportunities. The Tier 1, Tier 2, and Youth Engagement to Address Tobacco-Related Health Disparities (HD) grant programs support tobacco prevention programming by school districts, direct-funded charter schools, COEs, and various consortia.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Public Agency
Public school districts, direct-funded charter schools, COEs, and consortia that serve students in grades six through twelve within the State of California. The governing district must apply on behalf of schools and school sites within its jurisdiction. Individual schools, community agencies, private schools, and locally-funded charter schools are not eligible to apply. Projects targeting out-of-school students are not eligible.
Eligible Geographies:
Under California law, the CDE must consider the need to balance urban and rural applicants when allocating grant awards (HSC 104420(k)(2)(D)(4)). Applicants must therefore identify the geographic category in which their applications will compete (identified on the Grant Application Cover Sheet in TUPE GEMS): 1. Northern-Urban 2. Northern-Rural 3. Central-Urban 4. Central-Rural 5. Southern-Urban 6. Southern-Rural
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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