Transformative Climate Communities Implementation Grant

The TCC Program furthers the purposes of AB 32 (Nunez, 2006) and AB 2722 (Burke, 2016) by funding projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) through the development and implementation of neighborhood-level transformative climate community plans that include multiple coordinated GHG emissions reduction projects that provide local economic, environmental, and health benefits to disadvantaged communities.
The Transformative Climate Communities Program (TCC), established by AB 2722 (Burke, 2016), invests in community-led climate resilience projects in the state’s most disadvantaged communities. The program objectives are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve public health and the environment, and support economic opportunity and shared prosperity. TCC’s unique, place-based strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is designed to catalyze collective impact through a combination of community-driven climate projects in a single neighborhood. TCC Implementation Grants support an integrated set of projects within a neighborhood project area of approximately five square miles. Projects must reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly over time, leverage additional funding sources, and provide health, environmental and economic benefits to the community.
TCC Planning Grants support planning activities to advance community-led goals and projects. To date, TCC has awarded over $230 million in more than 26 communities since 2017, through eight (8) Implementation and eighteen (18) Planning Grants.
Implementation project examples include, but are not limited to:
Affordable and sustainable housing developments
Transit stations and facilities
Electric bicycle and car share programs
Solar installation and energy efficiency
Water-energy efficiency installations
Urban greening and green infrastructure
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities
Recycling and waste management
Health and well-being projects
Indoor air quality projects
Community microgrids
Brownfield redevelopment
A diverse range of community, business and local government stakeholders must form a Collaborative Stakeholder Structure to develop a shared vision of transformation for their community. This may include:
Community-based organizations
Local governments
Nonprofit organizations
Philanthropic organizations and foundations
Faith-based organizations
Coalitions or associations of nonprofits
Community development finance institutions
Community development corporations
Joint powers authorities
California Native American Tribes
To be considered for awards, applicants must fill out an application survey and indicate their interest in applying for a TCC Implementation Grant by March 25, 2022, or a TCC Planning Grant by May 16, 2022. Application Technical Assistance is required for all Implementation Grants and available to tribal communities and unincorporated communities for Planning Grants.
Applicants must submit a Pre-Proposal submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. PST on April 22, 2022. The goal of this Pre-Proposal is to help Applicants, TA providers, and SGC assess whether Applicants are on track to submit a complete, competitive application that meets all threshold requirements by the end of the application period and to identify areas that will need increased support. Threshold requirements are outlined on page 30 of the Round 4 Guidelines. While submitting a Pre-Proposal is required for all Implementation Grant Applicants, it will not affect evaluation of an application or disqualify Applicants from submitting a final application.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Eligible Lead Applicants may include but are not limited to: community-based organizations, local governments, nonprofit organizations, philanthropic organizations and foundations, faith-based organizations, coalitions or associations of nonprofit organizations, community development finance institutions, community development corporations, joint powers authorities, councils of governments, and California Native American Tribes.
Eligible Geographies:
Project Areas must be contiguous and no larger than five square miles. At least 51% of the Project Area must be disadvantaged or a within a federally-recognized tribal boundary, and the remaining 49% or less must be disadvantaged or a low-income community as defined by AB 1550. The methods for designating whether a community is disadvantaged differ for incorporated and unincorporated communities. See Section II.A of the Guidelines.
Matching Funding Requirement:
Grantee must leverage additional funding sources that equate to least 50% of the total grant award. Leverage funding must be committed at the time of application submittal. Leverage funds may come from a variety of sources, such as federal, state, local public, private and/or philanthropic.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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