Urban Flood Protection

California voters passed the California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018 (Proposition 68) on June 5, 2018, which authorized a competitive grant program for the purpose of multi-benefit projects in urbanized areas to address flooding.
Projects must address flooding in urbanized areas and provide multiple benefits. Eligible projects shall include, but are not limited to, storm water capture and reuse, planning and implementation of low-impact development, restoration of urban streams and watersheds, and increasing permeable surfaces to help reduce flooding.
At least twenty percent (20%) of program funds shall be allocated for projects serving severely disadvantaged communities.
Unless the project has been identified as serving a disadvantaged community, an entity that receives an award shall be required to provide a match of twenty-five percent (25%).
Projects must be located in an urbanized area, as defined in these guidelines.
Projects must protect persons and property from flood damage. 5. Projects must provide workforce education and training, contractor, and job opportunities for disadvantaged communities, where practicable.
Projects shall include the planning, monitoring, and reporting necessary to ensure successful implementation of the project objectives and be available to the State upon request.
Measurement of greenhouse gas emissions reductions and carbon sequestration associated with the project is required, where practicable.
Projects should include, where feasible:
• Efficient use and conservation of water supplies.
• Use of recycled water. • Storm water capture to reduce storm water runoff, reduce water pollution, or recharge groundwater supplies, or a combination thereof.
• Provision of safe and reliable drinking water supplies to park and open-space visitors.
Grant funds cannot be used to fulfill any mitigation requirements imposed by law.
Grant funds shall not be expended to pay the costs of the design, construction, operation, mitigation, or maintenance of Delta conveyance facilities.
The minimum award for individual projects is $200,000. The maximum award is $6 million.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Eligible applicants include local and state agencies, joint powers authorities, public utilities, mutual water companies, nonprofit organizations, federally-recognized Native American tribes, or nonfederally-recognized California Native American tribes listed on the California Tribal Consultation List maintained by the Native American Heritage Commission.
Eligible Geographies:
Projects must be located in the State of California. At least twenty percent (20%) of program funds shall be allocated for projects serving severely disadvantaged communities.
Matching Funding Requirement:
Unless the project has been identified as serving a disadvantaged community, an entity that receives an award shall be required to provide a match of twenty-five percent (25%)
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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