Veterans Support to Self-Reliance Pilot Grant Program

The California Department of Veterans Affairs is announcing the availability of up to $20 million in competitive grants to provide enhanced supportive services for veteran seniors aged 55+, veterans who are high acuity, and veterans who receive assistance or have been assisted through HUD-VASH. Pilot Grants are intended to support Pilot Grantees throughout a three-year observational and reporting period.
The Pilot Grants will allow for flexibility regarding the exact number and descriptions of staff assigned to
the Pilot program. Staffing should be based on delivery of on-site services proposed in the Pilot and
hiring decisions and distribution of duties may be tailored to fit within the overall organizational
structure of the Pilot site. This will ensure flexibility in program design to fit the specific needs of each
grantee. The Pilot Grantee staff and leadership duties include significant engagement with CalVet and
Consultants technical assistance, reporting, and evaluation procedures. Applicants are encouraged to
design their Pilot to allow for reasonable staff: resident ratios, time for data collection and reporting,
time spent in VSSR meetings and trainings, and appropriate equipment, supplies, overhead, and office
Pilot sites may not have sufficient ongoing need, licensure, or supervisory capacity to support employees
to deliver some services such as nursing and occupational therapy. In this case, overall budget proposals
may include a services budget line item to be used to contract for or pay for periodic services. Services
budgets may also be used for therapeutic activities not provided in-house such as equine therapy, yoga,
or other integrative activities
Through an Application process responsive to this NOFA, awarded Pilot Grantees will provide clear and convincing evidence of adequate personnel and organizational capacity to effectively
carry out a contract of this scope and magnitude. The successful Applicant will describe how they meet
minimum qualifications, including their breadth of experience working with Veterans, with special
emphasis on working with veterans who are or at risk of being homeless, and with systems addressing
veteran homelessness (i.e., local coordinated entry systems). The VSSR Application is
available at
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
Each of the minimum qualifications below must be met by the Applicant.
a. Must be a Certified California Veteran Service Provider as defined in Military and Veterans Code
§ 881(a).
b. No less than six (6) cumulative years of experience providing or administering Supportive Services
in PSH for aging veterans, veterans with high acuity, and veterans experiencing acute or Chronic
c. Commitment to Housing First practices.
Eligible Geographies:
CalVet intends to ensure initial availability to each Local Interagency Network Coordinator (LINC) region
in the State. All applications received will be separated by region and the minimum qualifications, competitive rating and ranking process will determine the awards for qualified applications. The highest-ranking qualifying application within each region will be awarded and secondary awards in any region may be made as funding permits.
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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