Our First Annual Report

Assembly Bill 2252, the Grants Information Act of 2018 (Section 3 8333.2), required the California State Library to create one website, the California Grants Portal, to make it easier for all Californians to access grant and loan opportunities administered by more than 50 state government entities. The legislation also required the State Library to produce an annual report for California’s legislative branch to review the effectiveness of the Grants Portal. Following the mission of the Grants Portal itself to standardize and package information in an easily accessible way to all Californians, the report visualizes eight key data points to show how state grantmakers and grantseekers used the Grants Portal from its launch on July 1, 2020, to July 1, 2021. We invite you to check out the report and share your feedback and suggestions on how we can make the report more useful and accessible to you: CAGrantsPortal@library.ca.gov.
Read the California Grants Portal’s first annual report
What will the annual report show me?
The annual report contains data on the number of state grants posted on the Grants Portal, the amount of funding available, and other information demonstrating how the Grants Portal was used in its first year. For instance, 355 grants were posted and over a million people accessed the Grants Portal from July 1, 2020, to July 1, 2021.
What’s next?
The California Grants Portal team is consulting and coordinating with state agencies on implementing AB 132 (8334.1) which requires state grantmakers to provide the State Library with information on each awardee. By late 2022, we expect to have data detailing who received state grants, the geographic destination of state grant funding, and how grant recipients used funding. User input and feedback has been central to the development of the Grants Portal, and we will continue to seek input and feedback from grant-administering state agencies to help inform Californians about the power and opportunity behind California state grants.